Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Water Bobble.

Each day I drink a ridiculous amount of water. On the days I don't I feel completely abnormal. About three days a week I buy a water bottle from the deli near my school, or I take a Poland Spring bottle from home. What a waste of money and plastic.

Every day a ridiculous amount of water bottles are purchased. We drink it and then we recycle it... I hope. If you're not recycling then these plastic bottles thrown in the trash take between 450 to 1,000 YEARS TO BREAK DOWN ENTIRELY. Which brings me to the reason for this post..

The Water Bobble.

Its a reusable water bottle that filters itself! The screw-on top acts as a filter. The filters last up to two months. This will save you money and help the environment at the same time! I got mine in the mail two days ago, and let me tell you, i love it. The water tastes clean. There is no funky tap water flavor at all! The bottle's can be purchased online through Water Bobble's website. Available sizes are 13oz, 18.5oz, and 34oz. There are all different color filters to personalize your bobble; red, blue, green, yellow, pink, ect.

After your filter's two-month limit is up you can purchase new filters on their website. If you feel like replacing your old Bobble, no worries, the bottle itself is fully recyclable! Check them out at