Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hello Fascination...

I've always wanted to start writing a blog, but I never had the inspiration to go ahead and do it. Well, the time has come. Lately I've had a LOT to talk about. So many issues in society infuriate, inspire, and influence my every-day life. I am going to use this blog to vent, promote, and explain the things that impact me. I hope that my random posts will somehow connect to a large audience. The purpose of this blog is pretty personal, but if others enjoy it it will be an added bonus.  

I've got all sorts of interests including music, television shows and movies. My favorite band is Paramore, my favorite TV shows are One Tree Hill &Vampire Diaries, and I cant pick one movie to insert as my favorite. I'm a senior in college on the cusp of graduating this May. I've never been so excited and unsure about my future than I am in this moment.

I am graduating with a bachelor's degree in Mass Communications with a focus in Public Relations. Which explains why I'm really interested in the entertainment industry. Ideally I will work in a PR firm with clients such as A-list actors, indie artists, or a non-profit company.

My newest goal: to post as much as possible on super important issues =)