Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Love Is Louder

By now everyone is aware of the string of suicides that happened last year. The important thing is to keep supporting those in need, and this campaign is doing that beautifully. Love is Louder.  They are continuing to put their name out there and literally spread love and support. For me, the suicides from last year were heartbreaking. I feel terrible for anyone who has to go that far to avoid the pain. What people say about you does NOT matter, bullies get nowhere in life, and your TRUE friends will support you 100%. 

For you twitter users follow the hastag #LoveIsLouder! The campaign was formed by actress Brittany Snow, The Jed Foundation, and MTV. Brittany Snow and Sophia bush recently attended the Love Is Louder TShirt launch party in LA. You can purchase the Tshirt here, all of the proceeds will go to The Jed Foundation and Love Is Louder campaign. 

Brittany Snow & Sophia Bush

For more information on how you can get involved please go to the Love Is Louder Facebook page, and remember, it gets better.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sweet Dreams Sucker...

Hi there,
This post may seem a little out of left field, but i figured I'd write it anyway. Lately I've had THE weirdest dreams. Think of all the horrible, strange, or confusing dreams you've ever had. Chances are I've had them. I don't know what it is, but I seem to wake up all the time trying to figure out what the hell  that dream meant.

I started getting tired of these dreams, and decided to buy a dream catcher. FAIL. I still had all sorts of Inception-type dreams every night. So after a while I embraced the craziness. I started googling dream meanings and what items or scenarios mean in your dreams. I came across this site, Dream Dictionary, and it is honestly fascinating.

Most of the time, if we dream of things apparently they mean the complete opposite. Here are some examples:

  • To see a shooting in your dream, indicates that you have a set goal and know what to aim for in life. Your plans are right on target!
  • To dream of an extremely small baby, symbolizes your helplessness and your fears of letting others become aware of your vulnerabilities and incompetence. You may be afraid to ask for help and as a result tend to take matters into your own hands.
  • To see a ladybug in your dream, symbolizes beauty, and good luck. The dream may be a pun on something that is bugging your or a lady in your life. 
  • To dream that you are Harry Potter, represents your desires to escape from reality. You are living in your own fantasy world. (I had to throw this one in to the examples out of pure fascination that they would even consider creating a meaning for dreaming of Harry)

So, the next time you just need to know what in the world that dream meant, check out the website,!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Water Bobble.

Each day I drink a ridiculous amount of water. On the days I don't I feel completely abnormal. About three days a week I buy a water bottle from the deli near my school, or I take a Poland Spring bottle from home. What a waste of money and plastic.

Every day a ridiculous amount of water bottles are purchased. We drink it and then we recycle it... I hope. If you're not recycling then these plastic bottles thrown in the trash take between 450 to 1,000 YEARS TO BREAK DOWN ENTIRELY. Which brings me to the reason for this post..

The Water Bobble.

Its a reusable water bottle that filters itself! The screw-on top acts as a filter. The filters last up to two months. This will save you money and help the environment at the same time! I got mine in the mail two days ago, and let me tell you, i love it. The water tastes clean. There is no funky tap water flavor at all! The bottle's can be purchased online through Water Bobble's website. Available sizes are 13oz, 18.5oz, and 34oz. There are all different color filters to personalize your bobble; red, blue, green, yellow, pink, ect.

After your filter's two-month limit is up you can purchase new filters on their website. If you feel like replacing your old Bobble, no worries, the bottle itself is fully recyclable! Check them out at

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Holding Out For a Hero

The CW network's long-running show One Tree Hill has always touched on social issues in their story lines, so its anti-bullying episode was not a surprise. In fact, with Sophia Bush as the leading lady I'm sure she's pushed for this type of episode since the beginning of the season. She has been a frequent poster for the hash-tags #loveislouder and #itgetsbetter on twitter. The episode was humorous, entertaining, and a little outlandish, but it got the point across perfectly.

 The lovely ladies of Tree Hill set out to fight crime as the town's newest super heros. Brooke, Quinn, and Haley break up an ambush between high school students. One student is tormented by three other girls for being adopted and dressing like a tom-boy in her childhood. With this information they aptly name her "little orphan-tranny."

Tree Hill's super hero's; Be Dazzled, Shutter Bug, and Baby Mama (aka Mastermind) save the day by putting those bullies in their place. In the end the lesson learned is IT GETS BETTER. All of the bullying-suicides in the paper last year shined light on a MAJOR issue. This prompted the revolution of anti-bullying groups and campaigns. One Tree Hill used its assets and created another unique episode for Season 8.

Check out these scenes from the episode "Holding Out For a Hero" that aired on February 8th.

Hello Fascination...

I've always wanted to start writing a blog, but I never had the inspiration to go ahead and do it. Well, the time has come. Lately I've had a LOT to talk about. So many issues in society infuriate, inspire, and influence my every-day life. I am going to use this blog to vent, promote, and explain the things that impact me. I hope that my random posts will somehow connect to a large audience. The purpose of this blog is pretty personal, but if others enjoy it it will be an added bonus.  

I've got all sorts of interests including music, television shows and movies. My favorite band is Paramore, my favorite TV shows are One Tree Hill &Vampire Diaries, and I cant pick one movie to insert as my favorite. I'm a senior in college on the cusp of graduating this May. I've never been so excited and unsure about my future than I am in this moment.

I am graduating with a bachelor's degree in Mass Communications with a focus in Public Relations. Which explains why I'm really interested in the entertainment industry. Ideally I will work in a PR firm with clients such as A-list actors, indie artists, or a non-profit company.

My newest goal: to post as much as possible on super important issues =)