Sunday, April 10, 2011

lyric of the day,

So, I was listening to my iTunes on random. The Foo Fighters song My Hero came on. First off, I usually listen to this song via the Paramore cover. (I doubt anyone that knows me is surprised by that statement) Anyways, listening to the original version definitely gave me a new perspective on the song all together. You know when you watch a movie a few times and you continue to find something new? Well, your not finding something new, it was there all along, you just needed a little time to discover it. That's what happened to me with this song. So I decided to post a lyric of the day. Today's lyric...

"Truth or consequence, say it aloud"
My Hero, Foo Fighters

Take this line as you will, but it resonates with me on a whole other level. I'm not about to get all personal on everyone, so we'll just leave it at that.