Sunday, April 10, 2011

lyric of the day,

So, I was listening to my iTunes on random. The Foo Fighters song My Hero came on. First off, I usually listen to this song via the Paramore cover. (I doubt anyone that knows me is surprised by that statement) Anyways, listening to the original version definitely gave me a new perspective on the song all together. You know when you watch a movie a few times and you continue to find something new? Well, your not finding something new, it was there all along, you just needed a little time to discover it. That's what happened to me with this song. So I decided to post a lyric of the day. Today's lyric...

"Truth or consequence, say it aloud"
My Hero, Foo Fighters

Take this line as you will, but it resonates with me on a whole other level. I'm not about to get all personal on everyone, so we'll just leave it at that. 

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Last Dance

I know I wrote about the show in my last post but its just too good to pass up another opportunity to talk about The Vampire Diaries. 

Last night's episode was absolutely AMAZING. The twists and turns! The drama and craziness! I was on the edge of my chair.. well I was watching while sitting on the floor, but you know what I mean. You can never tell whats going to happen next while watching. The end of this episode left me with my jaw on the floor. Check out this extended preview for next weeks episode!

The Vampire Diaries - The Last Dance Extended Preview

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Vampire Diaries..

I've been known to get ridiculously attached to television shows, but its rare that I'm super attached after one season. Hell, I was hooked to this show after watching two eps. I'm about to gush about this show instead of doing my homework.... 

Based off the book series by L.J Smith, the tv series The Vampire Diaries has become bigger than anyone expected. Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec have created a monster! Watching this show is truly an addiction. Theres no guilt in the pleasure of watching TVD week to week. Sadly its been on hiatus for quite some time, but this thursday it is B A C K! 

For those of you who know:
I don't have to tell you what its like to watch an ep. Your sucked into this world for 48 minutes filled with action, drama, twisted story lines,  and ridiculously good looking guys ;) (or girls)! I don't know about you, but I speak for myself and my friends; this show never disappoints! We are always on the edge of our seats or holding on for the next hilarious Damon line.

Damon, Elena, Stefan

For those of you who don't know:
The show is about vampires (duh), but not the old type of vampire. These guys have evolved quite well to the current time. They blend right in, and they're gorgeous. The two main vampires are Damon Salvatore (played by Ian Somerhalder) and Stefan Salvatore (played by Paul Wesley). The leading lady whos busting her butt playing Elena Gilbert, and her vampire twin Katherine Pierce, is Nina Dobrev. If anyone has surprised me the most its Nina. She captures both roles perfectly and doing double time CAN'T be easy. The girl works hard and it sure does show.

Here are some of the killer supporting cast, no pun intended, that become essential to the show:
Matt Davis as Alaric Saltzman   
Sara Canning as Aunt Jenna 
Katerina Graham as Bonnie Bennett
Michael Trevino as Tyler Lockwood 
Steven R. McQueen as Jeremy Gilbert 

For those of you who are behind:
there are 21 eps in the first season and there will be 22 in this season. I HIGHLY recommend watching all of season one and all of season two. Its just too good to miss any episodes!

To watch some season 2 episodes head to

To stay up-to-date on all TVD news the best best best website to follow is! !